The World According To Bob

Bob Allen is a philosopher and cyber libertarian. He advocates for the basic human rights of men. Bob has learned to cut through the political nonsense, the propaganda hate, the surface discourse, and talk about the underlying metamessage that the front is hiding. Bob tells it like it is and lets the chips fall where they may. If you like what you read be sure to bookmark this blog and share it with your friends.

Location: United States

You can't make wrong into right by doing wrong more effectively. It's time for real MEN to stand up and take back our families, our society, and our self respect. It is not a crime to be born a man. It is not a crime to act manly.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Blue Thug Cannibals

The blue gun thugs in Champaign, Illinois fed on one of their own when they sent a man to hell for “raping” 4 females and a variety of other “charges.” Jeff Pelo, 43, thought he was protected because he was one of the blue gun thug Gestapo femiNazi army attacking other men. He was wrong. The femiNazi Gestapo will attack and eat any man, even one of their own gun thugs if he is in the wrong place at the wrong time.

There was no DNA or similar forensic evidence linking Pelo directly to the rapes, but of course that does not matter to the County Persecutor. Once a man is accused of “rape” he is guilty unless proven innocent, and his proof has to be wide and deep.

Three of the four alleged “rape victims” picked Mr. Pelo out of a lineup of men. Eye witness rape accusers are notoriously wrong more than they are right. A friend of Bob's was picked from such a lineup despite being nowhere in the same city on the date of an alleged rape.

The man's guilt or innocence does not matter to the femiNazi Gestapo. Their job is to capture and destroy as many men as possible. Mr. Pelo thought he was safe. He worked for the Gestapo, destroying other men. Suddenly he was being eaten by the very Gestapo that he thought was on his side. Silly fool. The Gestapo is not on the side of any man.

Read Yahoo Story.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some of the men of the Pitcairn Islands, a tiny Pacific community of 40 people, were convicted of sexually assaulting some of the female residents of the islands. The alleged crimes happened years ago so there was no DNA evidence, but of course this didn't matter. Forensics aren't needed to convict a man of sexual assault, just an accuser's words.

June 24, 2008 11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are we going to rebel?

When are we going to lay down our lives inorder to kill our enemies: pro-women's rights women and their supporters.


Never that's when.
We will never do anything to improve our lot.

Might aswell commit suicide now rather than living in this woman's world.

June 24, 2008 3:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That Pitcairn mess is interesting and you can find it on the Web. Most of the 'raped' girls, now women, actually loved the men who did it. And, a lot of the older women who experienced this in their youth thought it was just a part of their life.

Note that this is another case of English law being forced on another culture. At gunpoint. The Pitcairn culture was to some extent derived from Tahiti, and the results are not always what the Anglosphere would prefer.

The Anglosphere, in whatever form, hates men. Period. And, when there is a problem, they will inevitably solve it by destroying men, or throwing them in jail. But, never women.

Anonymous age 66

June 25, 2008 6:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Man guilty of murdering wife and baby daughter:

Angry gunman kills 5 people at his workplace:

June 25, 2008 3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to be off topic, but I'm really starting to wonder if I'm the only one who sees it this way.

I've been hearing all day that the supreme court's rape decision proves that they're a bunch of "soft on crime liberal do-gooders," and they're giving people free reign to rape children. I don't get that point of view. Does the Bible not say, "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth?" It doesn't say an eye for a toe, or a tooth for a fingernail. I could see castration, maybe. But death? Even if we assume guilt could be conclusively proven, if the victim didn't die, how is it justice to kill the perpetrator?

I've been watching this for years, and it's getting tiring. Rape is NOT as bad as murder. I don't condone it. It's immoral, and illegal. But it's NOT murder. All in all, it seems like it should be several steps down the list. Would you rather be raped, or have your right arm removed? Would you rather be raped, or have your child kidnapped? Would you rather be raped, or held as a slave?

Are we all so afraid of the wrath of women that we pretend these crimes are of equal severity? Or are we so brainwashed that we actually do believe that 10 minutes of a woman's time is worth a man's life? Before anyone starts lecturing me about the mental harm that rape can cause, just remember one thing. For the victim, there's still a tomorrow. And she still has her freedom. She can choose to get on with her life, or she can choose to wallow in something over which she had no control. The perpetrator rightfully loses those choices. Taking his life as well, isn't justice.

June 25, 2008 8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"When are we going to lay down our lives in order to kill our enemies: pro-women's rights women and their supporters."

There's already an epidemic of male suicide. Maybe there needs to be more explicit suicide--men leaving clear evidence that it's feminism that makes the world intolerable for them. Not a note--that's what women do. Blogs, videos posted to YouTube and sent to local and national television outlets followed by very public self-slaughter--men giving testimony to what makes the world unlivable for them, rather than dying in silence and solitude.

Men killing the sources of their pain gets them, and all men, labeled as freaks, mentally ill, "disgruntled" or whatever. And always as a murderer. Not someone to be respected or listened to, just a mentally ill murderer of the innocent. They die, and the world mutters "good riddance." Nobody respects the men who kill others. The media discounts them, and forgets them. Where is the respect for Cho and his suffering?

But imagine the spectacle of a man sacrificing himself, after offering a video testimony to the suffering of all men under feminist rule, broadcast on television and the Internet. Telling about his pain, what he has had to endure day after day, not able to live as he wanted, but as he'd been made to. Enforced by the police, the courts, caged, constrained. And not taking other lives, only sacrificing his own. Even women would have to listen to that.

When Cho sent his video pain to the news, it was immediately suppressed because he'd killed innocents. The media didn't want to give voice to him because he killed others. But a man who took no life other than his own--he might be listened to.

Self-sacrifice has always been the exclusive domain of men. Men throw themselves on grenades for the lives of others. It may be time for men who have reached the end of their endurance to make a little extra effort, at the very end, to make a difference in death where they were not able to in life.

Anonymous, I hope you're far from being so despairing that you're ready to lay down your life.

June 25, 2008 9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are all anglo-saxon law systems anti-man? What is with those fuckers that they have been opressing their own men for centruies?

June 26, 2008 12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should the anglosphere be destroyed?
Are there any other problematic cultures that are anti-man in nature that should be crushed aswell?

How will this be done?

June 26, 2008 12:45 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Anonymous (June 25, 2008 9:48 PM) wrote, "There's already an epidemic of male suicide."

The elimination of men is the goal of radical feminism. When men suicide they count it as another success. Making suicides more public will only feed the misandrist hate machine that is trying to kill off all men. A man killing himself is killing the wrong person.

June 26, 2008 6:28 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to Anonymous (June 25, 2008 8:44 PM)
You are right that rape is a minimal crime. It involves a few minutes of discomfort. No serious injury is done. The raging hysteria of the femiNazi and their supporters uses rape as an excuse to further their hate campaign against men. The reactant "death for rape" advocates are reminiscent of the lynchings of black men in the 1930s.

Sharing responsibility in that case are the mother who deprived her daughter of her father's love and protection and left her alone with mom's latest fuck. To the "stepfather" the daughter is no different than the mother, another fucking whore. Also sharing responsibility are the courts and feminists who are also responsible for depriving the girl of her father's love and protection.

June 26, 2008 6:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

""An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth?" It doesn't say an eye for a toe, or a tooth for a fingernail. I could see castration, maybe."

He didn't rip out her womb.
He had sex with her.
His punishment can be her having sex with him.

June 27, 2008 12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Where is the respect for Cho and his suffering?"

One of my conservative friends remarked that the people cho killed seemed to be worthless and exactly what cho said they were.

Cho isn't hated. He isn't loved.
There is not much opinion from some.

June 27, 2008 12:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"And not taking other lives, only sacrificing his own. Even women would have to listen to that."

Millions of men were forced to die in countless wars. Women made fun of those who didn't, calling them cowards.

The only solution is to kill your enemies. Killing yourself helps them.

As for dismissing men as psycos... atfirst they always dismiss or laugh at the opposition.

June 27, 2008 12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob believes:

"You are right that rape is a minimal crime. It involves a few minutes of discomfort. "

so Bob, it appears there is no woman on earth that you'd pity if she were raped.

No woman on earth that you cherish or respect?

June 27, 2008 3:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, Bob, in my limited experience, I would more expect blue suited gun thugs to cover for a rapist cop, than bust him. This is really strange.

Anonymous age 66

June 27, 2008 6:34 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous sow (June 27, 2008 3:39 PM)
You leap from the fact that rape is a temporary discomfort to "no woman on earth that you cherish or respect?"

Your irrational hysteria and leaps to your own misandrist views does not make for a reasonable discussion.

Females get laid all the time, on average probably a million females somewhere are enjoying a good fucking right now. Most of them are cherished and respected just as much after getting laid as they were before. A female getting laid only means she's female. Whether she decided to get laid or someone else decided that she should get laid does not make her disrespectful.

You irrational sows who can't put two thoughts together and continually spew hate make any reasonable discussion of rape impossible.

June 28, 2008 7:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"make any reasonable discussion of rape impossible."

So, why not post a reasonable discussion of rape? Looking at it from the POV of the victim as well. Women seem to find rape extremely objectionable, everywhere. Male victims of rape seem to find it highly objectionable as well. Rapists, obviously, do not.

Why not post a lengthy discussion of both sides of the issue? I doubt if you can, since you find it no big deal at all, but maybe some readers could make suggestions.

June 28, 2008 12:43 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous:
When Bob's grandmother was teaching her daughters about rape, the common and conventional female wisdom was, "When rape is inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."

Since those days feminism has used rape as the centerpiece of a vicious anti-men hate program. When hate is your motive, a rational discussion is not possible.

June 28, 2008 1:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"... a million females somewhere are enjoying a good fucking right now. Most of them are cherished and respected just as much after getting laid as they were before"

When two people respect each other and have sex, then the above is correct.

When a man violently coerces another to engage in sex, he can hardly be described as "respecting" his victim. To think that a rapist respects his victim is sheer insanity.

June 28, 2008 5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:39, this is Bob's blog and he can do what he wants. I realize dearies don't like men doing what they want. Get used to it. If you want a detailed discussion of rape, start your own blog.

In the 80's the feminists had a big rape campaign on, insisting that rape was the worst thing that could happen to a woman.
Anonymous 12:39, this is Bob's blog and he can do what he wants. I realize dearies don't like men doing what they want. Get used to it. If you want a detailed discussion of rape, start your own blog.

In the 80's the feminists had a big rape campaign on, insisting that rape was the worst thing that could happen to a woman.

Curious, I ran around and asked a number of women in the workplace if it is true that rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman.

They all said, yes, if course. So, then I asked each one if she would give up her kids forever to avoid being raped.

Not only did they admit they would not, but one woman threatened to kick my butt for suggesting she would give up her kids forever for something (minor implied) like rape.

Clearly, rape is not the worst thing that can happen to a woman. Losing her kids is. Rape is only the worst thing a woman EXPECTS to happen to her.

Men who experience something that women view as worse than rape are expected to come up, smiling, billfold in hand, shouting, "Please make me pay more. It feels so good to live in a pigsty, walk to work when it's 30 below zero, and send lots of money for kids who are being taught to hate me."

Anonymous age 66

Curious, I ran around and asked a number of women in the workplace if it is true that rape is the worst thing that can happen to a woman.

They all said, yes, if course. So, then I asked each one if she would give up her kids forever to avoid being raped.

Not only did they admit they would not, but one woman threatened to kick my butt for suggesting she would give up her kids forever for something (minor implied) like rape.

Clearly, rape is not the worst thing that can happen to a woman. Losing her kids is. Rape is only the worst thing a woman EXPECTS to happen to her.

Men who experience something that women view as worse than rape are expected to come up, smiling, billfold in hand, shouting, "Please make me pay more. It feels so good to live in a pigsty, walk to work when it's 30 below zero, and send lots of money for kids who are being taught to hate me."

Anonymous age 66

June 29, 2008 12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bite.

Why, exactly, IS rape so terrible? I don't mean beating. That may be involved as well, but it's a separate crime. I'm asking only about the act of rape, by itself.

I'll refrain from giving my opinion, and ask that the other men here do the same. As I don't understand Ms. Anonymous's position, I'd like to hear her strongest case.

Here's your chance to convince us.

June 29, 2008 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rape is stealing the body of another human being, to do whatever you want to it.

June 30, 2008 12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Bob, you will love to read this! And maybe you can blog about it. I am interested in your opinion.

June 30, 2008 12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would a man rape a woman?

Could he maintain his self-respect after doing so?

Would he violate his religious/ moral principles by raping?

Is he willing to rape a child? A handicapped woman? A relative?

Does any man reading this, have in a mind a girl he'd like to rape right now ? Why or why not?

I don't believe anybody's saying that rape is the "worst" thing that could befall a woman. Just that it is one of the worst.

Because at best, it is a humiliating violation of the integrity of the body. The humanity of a woman or man must never be discarded.

At worst, rape may include kidnapping, a vicious beating, unnatural painful acts, torture, threats, brandishing of a gun or knife, psychological and physical shock. All that is compounded if the victim is a child.

June 30, 2008 1:03 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous (12:44 PM)
Sounds like a typical day in the life of a murderous hired gun thug.

June 30, 2008 1:08 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous (1:03 PM)

Like a typical sow, you are unable to discuss rape without hysterical ranting. Because you know that rape is not much of a crime you do the usually female lie of including many other crimes in an effort to make rape sound like its bad. Rape is not "beating, unnatural painful acts, torture, threats, etc." Those and worse crimes happen to men frequently as well as to women, and are crimes different from rape.

As for the severity of actually rape, the wisdom of Bob's grandmother is appropriate, "When rape is inevitable, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."

Rape continues to be the #1 sexual fantasy of females and the #1 theme in female erotic fiction. It's often more fun than harm.

June 30, 2008 1:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Could he maintain his self-respect after doing so?"

Yes, he was in control rather then someone else (the woman), he probably holds himself in higher esteem now. If he raped a virgin girl then he has no cause for self-disrespect. He claimed the girl he wanted and now shall keep her forever... raping her every night as his wife (which is good: females were made for men, not men for women).

"Would he violate his religious/ moral principles by raping?"

If he follows the Bible, no, if he rapes a virgin girl that is not pleged to be married off to someone else.

Death To women's Rights.

June 30, 2008 5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to Anonymous June 30, 2008 12:44 PM:

The victim's relatives say it was his girlfriend who had been harassing him and that he wasn't resisting arrest, even though he knew it was a phony accusation. Perhaps the man's relatives should copy what this man in China did:

Man fatally stabs 5 police in Shanghai

BEIJING - A man armed with a knife stormed a police station in Shanghai on Tuesday, stabbing officers inside and killing at least five, authorities said.

The 28-year-old man, whose surname is Yang, set a fire outside the building's gate and then rushed inside and began attacking officers, the Shanghai public security bureau said in a news release.

Five officers died after being taken to a hospital, while four other police officers and a security guard were hurt, the statement said. Some had chest wounds and others had bloodied faces, the official Xinhua News Agency reported, citing a witness with the surname Yi.

Yang, who is from Beijing and unemployed, said he was seeking revenge after officers at the station in Shanghai's Zhabei district investigated him last year for allegedly stealing bicycles, police said.

Yang was taken into custody at the station.

Violent street crime is rare in China, where private gun ownership is virtually banned.

July 01, 2008 11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Violent rapist executed:

July 01, 2008 4:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't believe anybody's saying that rape is the "worst" thing that could befall a woman. Just that it is one of the worst."

Ok, they what makes it "one of the worst?" What I'm looking for is some explanation of why a crime that lasts only minutes, is said to justify execution. And again, any beating that may coincide with the rape is a separate crime. I'm ONLY asking about rape.

July 01, 2008 5:33 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous (July 01, 2008 4:21 PM)
Your headline says "child KILLER executed." A death penalty is a proportionate penalty for murder.

You are obviously one of the irrational sows who are so filled with hate that you are unable to discuss rape in a rational manner. Rape is a far distant crime from murder. But in your hate you are unable to distinguish. Hatred on that level is a serious psychotic problem. You do need mental help, and chocolate will not be sufficient.

July 01, 2008 6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The violent rapist that was just executed in FL, had raped and killed an 11 year old.

Even if the actual act of rape (i.e., forced sex) takes only minutes (with no beating, death threats), it is a deeply humiliating violation of a human being. This is self-evident. Most decent people have no trouble understanding it. Ask any minister, priest, or Rabbi if rape should be allowed.

Civilized people (especially religious ones), understand that each person needs respect. They see humans as created in God's image. Would God rape?

Each person needs to live without fear that their body can be violated by someone unable to control his impulses.

That's why we've had laws against rape -- and stealing -- for centuries.

July 01, 2008 6:23 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to the anonymous sow: (July 01, 2008 6:23 PM)
Irrational rape laws motivated by frothing feminist hate greatly encourage rapists to murder their victims because a girl can not be sent home safely. A more sane approach to rape law would probably have saved that girl in Florida and thousands of other young victims who never come home.

July 01, 2008 8:33 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Anonymous asked, "Would God rape?"

What God might do would depend entirely on your religion and which God you were speaking of. The history of religions have many accounts of Gods doing rape or trying to do rape. For examples:

ZEUS was said to have raped LEDA.

HAIDES abducted the spring-goddess PERSEPHONE to the underworld to be his bride and queen

NESSUS tried to rape DEIANEIRA

PEITHO was the Goddess represented forceful inducement and rape

In prior times, before feminism and frothing at the mouth feminist hate, most people understood that rape was a minor crime and often enjoyed by the "victim."

July 01, 2008 8:34 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Anonymous asked, "Would God rape?"

Bob has been reviewing literature regarding the Jewish/Christan God on this question. Information about his personal life is inconclusive. However, Moses who spoke with God and borough his commandments is clearly on the side of rape. In one case his army captured more than 30,000 young virgin females, presumably age 11-13. He gave half of them, about 16,000, to his war hardened troops to do whatever brutal warriors do with virgins. The rest he gave to the church, presumably to be sold as sex slaves for a tidy profit.

Moses was the profit of God who brought the "10 Commandments" and gave the other laws that Jews/Christians still live by today. By his example of giving thousands of virgins for the use and abuse of his troops, with the advice and consent of God, we can clearly see that rape does not always violate Jewish/Christian religious traditions.

July 02, 2008 6:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raping an unattached virgin is one thing, but what are your views on ones wife being raped, Bob? If your wife is your personal property, and another man rapes her without your permission, do you get some kind of compensation? What if the rapist refuses? Just wondering how this would work day to day, ya know.

BTW, could we at least make a rule that rapist must use K-Y? When I think "rape" I don't think there would be a lot of foreplay. Bob may think chaffing is enjoyable, but it's definitely not. Laying back and enjoying would be easier if the inside of your vagina is not like sandpaper.

July 02, 2008 1:06 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to Buttercup:
There are several things in your post that need comments.

First, vaginal lubrication is an autonomic response that functions (or not) by physical stimulation regardless of who decided and without the female's conscious control. Whether rape, or her sexual aggression, lubrication failure is why KY and similar products are widely available.

Second, sand is not conducive to fun sex. When fucking on a beach you need to be very careful.

Third, any man fucking another man's wife without his permission is aggressively insulting his honor and is thus owed a penalty of honor.

July 02, 2008 1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>>Civilized people (especially religious ones), understand that each person needs respect. They see humans as created in God's image. Would God rape?

Here is a much more appropriate question. Would God force men to pay child support to an adulterous slut who doesn't let the fathers see their own kids?

Next question: would God permit a woman to live who had just falsely accused a man of raping her?

Hey, wait a minute. We can answer that question. Look it up in the Old Testament. God's law for the Hebrews, his chosen people, address that topic explicitly. Dearies, you would not want to make one of your millions of false rape charges under God's law. Look it up and see exactly what God said should happen to such fiends.

Anonymous age 66

July 02, 2008 3:33 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

The anonymous sow squealed, "Bob keeps assuming that rape victims enjoy it."

Not an assumption, dearie. The Rape Crisis Center Counselor's Training Manual had a whole section on how to convince a female who had a fucking good time getting raped that she was a "victim" of serious crime. Individual circumstances vary a lot. Some females get hurt feelings, but others have "the best sex I ever had." There is a reason why rape continues to be the #1 theme of female erotic fiction.

July 02, 2008 4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob mentioned a Rape Crisis Center manual.

Which Center are you talking about? Did they allow you to read their training manuals? That seems odd.

July 02, 2008 5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a crock, Bob. Rape is a crime and the victim doesn't just experience 'hurt feelings'. Rape is a complete violation of her individual dignity as a human being. Most people get that through their heads.

Further, why would a decent man rape anybody? Why not control himself in the first place?

You can't just rob a bank because you get the impulse.

You can't just pee on somebody because you feel like it.

You can't just spray paint a neighbor's car because you feel like it.

July 02, 2008 5:24 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous:
Bob's former GF was training to be a telephone counselor for her local Rape Crisis Center. She was given the training manual to study. She found it surprising that she was supposed to convince females who had a fucking good time that they were "victims" of "serious" crime.

She well understood having a fucking good time. One of her sayings was, "Happiness is a sticky crotch." She wasn't convinced that a female's good time is a serious crime.

July 02, 2008 5:27 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous:
Violation of your "human dignity" causes hurt feelings, but does not cause serious harm like bank robbery or destruction of property. Deal with it.

Your hysterical raving is getting boring. You are obviously unable to deal with rape in a rational manner. Get thee to a shrink.

July 02, 2008 5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Why would anyone in his right mind think that women aren't harmed by rape?

What's your evidence that "it involves a few minutes of discomfort" and that "no serious injury is done?" The psychological damage lasts a lifetime. It's not hard to discern this; all you have to do is speak to a rape victim.

July 02, 2008 7:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with this statement.

"He didn't rip out her womb.
He had sex with her.
His punishment can be her having sex with him."

He can bend over and allow her to insert foreign objects into his body via whatever orifice she can access.

That certainly seems fair. I'm glad that you suggested that.

July 02, 2008 8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Violation of your "human dignity" causes hurt feelings, but does not cause serious harm like bank robbery or destruction of property."

Rape is much more than just "hurt feelings". It can also hurt the body physically. It also takes away a person's self-respect and dignity. It can also be considered destruction of property, since your body is your own and no one else has the right to force themselves on you.

If someone raped you, you would feel alot more than "hurt feelings."

July 02, 2008 8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Bob to a point. If a woman is raped by a man whom she knows or has had sex with before MAYBE there's a chance she would enjoy it if she could get over the whole "not wanting it in the first place" thing.

But I got to tell you Bob, I'm not turned on when I go to the gyno for an exam. In fact, I'm pretty damn uncomfortable, and I've known that doctor for years. I can't imagine I'd be happy about some strange dude humping me.

I don't know. Call me a prude, I guess.

July 02, 2008 10:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, "Happiness is a sticky crotch" ? I'd love to see the Snoopy cartoon for that one. LOL

July 02, 2008 10:11 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to HeathenAngel:
Like most hysterical females you can't talk about rape without leaping to some other serious crime in order to assert harm. In your case you leap to sodomy which is a very different from normal male/female sexual congress -- rape.

Men frequently are pressured to engage in sex with females, "rape" according to one widely used feminist definition. It's not a big deal.

July 03, 2008 6:06 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to "the watcher" and "I said":
Spectral evidence has been recognized as nonsense since the end of Witch Trials. If you can provide evidence for actual harm other than hysterical ranting please provide it

July 03, 2008 6:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All I'm seeing is the subject being changed. I fully agree that rape is, and should be, a crime. But just a few days ago, 3 Supreme Court justices agreed with the Louisiana courts, that rape should be punishable by death.

I've never raped anyone. I have no desire to, and I can't imagine any circumstances in which I would. But the fact is, bank robbery is NOT punishable by death. Nor is kidnapping, arson, severe beating, or even attempted murder. In every other case, someone has to actually take a life, in order to face execution.

I was once mugged, and left unconscious, in a puddle of my own blood. The cop who woke me up called an ambulance, but he didn't even file an incident report. And if whoever did it ever WAS prosecuted, he would have faced no more than 5 years in jail.

So I ask you, would you rather wake up on the sidewalk, missing all your money, 2 pints of blood, half your upper lip, and an hour of consciousness, or spend 10 minutes doing something that would be enjoyable, under different circumstances? Why should the latter be punishable by death, when the former carries a maximum of 5 years?

July 03, 2008 3:10 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous:
You are right, the comments have gotten way too far off topic.

To readers:
Please review Bob's rules for comments published on the left column of The World According to Bob All comments must be germane to the topic. Off-topic comments are being summarily deleted.

July 04, 2008 6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob never said a violent rape by a stranger, who breaks in a woman's house, is only a minor thing. Or that she could be expected to "relax and enjoy" the terror and trauma inflicted by an armed assailant.

Bob just said that acquaintenance "rape", is really just the boyfriend or husband taking charge. The man is merely initiating sex, which should not be prosecuted. And the female has no right to be offended for mere hurt feelings.

July 04, 2008 3:19 PM  
Blogger Advocatus Diaboli said...

I am confused by your dismissal of psychological harm as 'hysterical ranting'. If you do not believe in psychological science, why did you encourage one poster to "get thee to a shrink"?

You were mistaken in talking about vaginal lubrication. It is an autonomic response, but it occurs during the arousal stage. It is comparable to blood rushing into the penis during arousal causing an erection. There are four stages during the sexual cycle, rape skips over the arousal stage. Hence a lack of lubrication. The labia and vaginal walls also expand during arousal to allow more comfortable penetration. This is why rape causes damage to the vaginal tissue that can be identified by doctors.

Also, rape is not the number 1 fantasy as you claim. It is sex with a stranger. I did some checking on the APA website. While reading abstracts of research on this topic I discovered that the submission fantasies of which I think you are referring to, do not involve force, instead female submission fantasies involve romantic scenarios with loved partners.

I think it's great that you are taking such an interest in psychology and hope that you continue to pursue it.

July 05, 2008 3:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There you go, proof that rape is harmful and is intended to harm - of course that probably won't be good enough for you. There are plenty of other sites with this information, they're easy to find. Educate yourself, you are terribly wrong about this.

July 05, 2008 11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This looks like the rantings of a men that can't get women. Hateful ignorant rantings of men that have no respect for women.
I seriously hope I never cross the path of men that can justify rape, my skin is crawling as it is,

July 06, 2008 4:43 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous (4:43 AM)
Sows spewing classic ad-hominem insults like "can't get laid" were old tired tactics when your grandmother tried them. If you take your sowshit and $5 to Starbucks they will give you a cup of coffee. But lay off the chocolate, your thighs are getting far too rotund.

July 06, 2008 6:02 AM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to laura:
There is no end of feminist hate propaganda. Providing links to more feminist hate proves nothing at all except that feminist hate propaganda is pervasive in modern culture.

The prevalence of your "gender based" hate is a major target of The World According to Bob. Its time to stop your hate war on men. It doesn't work any more.

July 06, 2008 6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real men are not the ones who are hated.

July 06, 2008 3:41 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous:
Females are habitual liars, so your lie goes over like a flying sow.

Second, 160 years of organized hate clearly demonstrates that feminists hate all men and boys. Your actions shout so loud that your (lying) words are lost.

July 06, 2008 4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Few "hate" men, unless the men are evil. Many women distrust or even dislike men, which is understandable. Not the same as hating.

July 07, 2008 3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So because warring African tribes brutally rape their conquered enemies' wives, American men should be executed for NON-VIOLENT rape. If that's your point, I'm not following the logic. And of course, the conquered men can't be raped. They've already been murdered, which is apparently a lesser crime.

I guess it goes unopposed. All of the women reading this would rather be beaten, robbed, and left unconscious on the sidewalk, than be raped.

If that's really the case, I can't help wondering why more rape victims aren't killed. If you're all willing to fight to the death, what happens? Do these rapists sneak up on you while you're already in handcuffs and leg irons?

But still the question stands. WHY? If rape is really so common, it should be a simple matter to find a victim who can explain to me why the crime committed against her is so much more damaging than the one committed against me. I go months at a time without that mugging crossing my mind. When it does, it's just a random memory, little different than having walked to the store. Yet I was UNCONSCIOUS. How is it possible for a conscious person to be more vulnerable, or more controlled, than an unconscious one?

July 07, 2008 3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is incorrect to make a correlation between a civil rights movement for any group of individuals, and their alleged "hate" of another.

July 07, 2008 5:01 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to anonymous:
Prejudice and bigotry (sexism) is a form of hate. Feminism is hate no matter how the femiNazi try to deny it. 160 years of femiNazi hate screams so loud that your words fade to silence.

July 07, 2008 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you know, I usually consider myself a caring and kind woman, but some of the posts on here make me actually want to become a femiNazi just in order to take up arms against misogynist freaks like y'all. Careful, now: a full-on sex war is unwinnable by men. Say you kill off 90% of us: the human race dies out in a generation as the remaining women snuff out their babies and/or themselves in protest. We can kill off 90% of you, on the other hand, and it's bidness as usual. The remaining guys will be all too happy to have 10 women each. Having 10 men using each woman, on the other hand, is cause for female suicide. And that's one way you can know that man-on-woman rape is actually damaging.

July 18, 2008 9:24 AM  
Blogger Bob said...


Without men almost all the females would starve. Women have never produced the food or anything else that keeps them alive. But we aren't worried. Women have never been good at real war either. If it ever came to a real fight, all the females would be bound in chains post haste.

Thanks for another example of the insane arrogance of the feminazi.

July 18, 2008 9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is actually sad that some males think this way. What is this war you refer to? If there was really a gender war people wouldn't date they wouldn't get married and the ONLY children would be the product of rape. If you seriously believe that feminism is all about hating males you are grossly mistaken. I speak from experience. Yes, I know you'll say something about the 'whining fat sow' or something like that. The truth is you just can't this of anything useful to add to this statement. So you resort to verbal attacks. It's fine with me. I know they're not true. I write here for the few sane people who find this page and start to lose hope in humanity. And I write in hope that one day you and others who agree with your view points will come to understand that there is no war. There is no conspiracy. People make mistakes and people have different opinions than yours. That does not make them wrong, just different. It certainly does not justify such insults as you have so liberally thrown.

July 22, 2008 9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"However, Moses who spoke with God and borough his commandments is clearly on the side of rape. In one case his army captured more than 30,000 young virgin females, presumably age 11-13. He gave half of them, about 16,000, to his war hardened troops to do whatever brutal warriors do with virgins. The rest he gave to the church, presumably to be sold as sex slaves for a tidy profit."

Those were the days. That is one army I would volunteer to join!

July 23, 2008 9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you rather be raped, or have your right arm removed? Would you rather be raped, or have your child kidnapped? Would you rather be raped, or held as a slave?

Would you rather be raped or serve ONE year in jail? (Not ten, not fifteen, not twenty-- just ONE?) Almost no woman would prefer the jail time, so to claim that rape is somehow a worse crime than falsely accusing a man of rape is ridiculous.

September 09, 2008 2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good - all you farkers kill yourself and we can live free.

July 11, 2009 6:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're all just annoyed that you can't get laid.

February 02, 2011 11:11 AM  

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