The World According To Bob

Bob Allen is a philosopher and cyber libertarian. He advocates for the basic human rights of men. Bob has learned to cut through the political nonsense, the propaganda hate, the surface discourse, and talk about the underlying metamessage that the front is hiding. Bob tells it like it is and lets the chips fall where they may. If you like what you read be sure to bookmark this blog and share it with your friends.

Location: United States

You can't make wrong into right by doing wrong more effectively. It's time for real MEN to stand up and take back our families, our society, and our self respect. It is not a crime to be born a man. It is not a crime to act manly.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Lupercalia to all

According to legend, in about the 7th century BCE two infants named Romulus and Remus were abandoned in the woods. They were saved from starvation and death by a she-wolf named Lupus who took them back to her cave and suckled them. The two boys survived and went on to become the founders of Rome. In honor of Lupus saving Romulus and Remus, Romans created a festival called Lupercalia which was celebrated every year on the ides of February. (The "ides" in the old Roman calendar is the middle day of each month, or the 14th of February.) Lupercalia was eventually celebrated throughout the Roman Empire.

The annual celebration of Lupercalia began when the men of the city, town, or village would gather at a cave outside of town to prepare themselves. If no cave was available at some other convenient place. At the cave men would slaughter and roast goats, drink copious amounts of wine and tell manly tales. They would feast on goat flesh, and fashion whips out of the goat hides. When they were well fed and well drunk the men would adorn their naked bodies with a few straps of goatskin and head into town.

Meanwhile the women would prepare themselves with baths, fragrant oils, and presumably some quantity of wine also. When they heard the shouting and singing of the approaching men, the women would run naked into the streets, bend over, and turn their naked behinds toward the approaching men. Men would run through the cities or towns, and upon finding a woman would lash her with the goat skin whip until her behind was good and pink, or give her a good fucking before moving on to the next woman. The whole celebration of Lupercalia would be described today as a drunken S&M orgy in the streets. In those days, men knew they were men, and women knew they were women. The difference was celebrated, not obliterated.

As you might guess, the Christians who took over control of Rome and most of Europe after the decline of Imperial Rome were not so fond of drunken debauchery and public S&M orgies. But a really good pagan festival is hard to stop, especially one as debauched and fun as Lupercalia. It took more than a thousand years after the fall of Imperial Rome for Christian authorities to stop the public whipping and fucking on the ides of February. Like the other old pagan holidays Christian leadership substituted a Christian reason for the season. The whipping was said to be done for Christian penance instead of to arouse sexual pleasure. In some nunneries whips and flagellation on the ides of February continued for several centuries after the public fornication had been ended. Saint Valentine was claimed as the reason for penance on the ides of February instead of in honor of Lupus the she-wolf. Public display of reddened female behinds became stylized pink "hearts." Today we still celebrate the sanitized Christian substitution for a really fun holiday.

Happy Lupercalia to all of my faithful readers. It’s a shame we can't have a really fun drunken debauched S&M orgy in the streets to celebrate.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dang, I guess women are good for something after all, right? I mean, you must at least give Lupus credit for saving the lives of the future founders of Rome. Despite your constant rants, women seem to be good for something after all.

February 14, 2007 1:50 PM  
Blogger Bob said...

Note to craig: Lupus wasn't exactly a "woman." She was a female wolf. Women who once participated in Lupercalia generally were women whom men could love and live in harmony with. Today's females have many traits more in common with she-wolves.

February 14, 2007 6:08 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hahaha... you must have taken debate courses in high school, because you are good at this. Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh.

February 14, 2007 9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be an interesting day of celebration.

Wow that is an interesting story of where all this sanitized feminized materialistic crap actually originated.

Too bad that most people do not know about this, they would not have the capacity to understand it anyway.

But some men do.

Nice historical article Bob.

February 17, 2007 3:39 PM  

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