The World According To Bob

Bob Allen is a philosopher and cyber libertarian. He advocates for the basic human rights of men. Bob has learned to cut through the political nonsense, the propaganda hate, the surface discourse, and talk about the underlying metamessage that the front is hiding. Bob tells it like it is and lets the chips fall where they may. If you like what you read be sure to bookmark this blog and share it with your friends.

Location: United States

You can't make wrong into right by doing wrong more effectively. It's time for real MEN to stand up and take back our families, our society, and our self respect. It is not a crime to be born a man. It is not a crime to act manly.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

People's House Votes to Cut Spending

The 111th Congress controlled by Democrats failed utterly to pass any budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 which runs from October 1, 2010 to September 30, 2011. Usually the Congress passes individual budget authorization laws for each department of government, and usually passes them before the end of the previous FY. The Democratic 111th Congress passed NO department budgets at all. In desperation they adopted a so-called Continuing Resolution (CR) allowing all government departments to continue spending money at FY 2010 levels for 90 days. Then since they failed again to adopt a budget in the lame duck session after elections, so they passed another CR right before their Christmas vacation, and then adjourned. No other Congress has ever failed utterly to adopt a budget for the government. The CR expires on March 4, 2011. Many Democrat Congressmen were voted out of office in the November 2010 elections.

The 112th Congress was convened in January 2012. The usual agenda for a new Congress is to debate funding for the following year. Instead, the newly elected Republican House of Representatives had to begin by cleaning up the mess left by the irresponsible Democrats. American voters had sacked many of the irresponsible Democrats and elected TEA Party conservative Representatives to replace them. The new TEA Party Representatives had a public mandate to CUT SPENDING and get the government's fiscal house in order. The new TEA Party Representatives gave a majority rule in the People's House to Republicans, but aggressively informed old time Republican leaders that business as usual in Washington, DC, was at an end.

The People's House leadership created House Resolution (HR) 1 as a Whole Year Continuing Resolution and sent it to committees to review spending for each Department and determine an acceptable spending level below requested levels. When the various committees reported their piece of the total CR back to the Rules Committee they were assembled into the largest spending bill ever to be considered by the US Congress. In a radical departure from the back room process of prior Democratic leadership, the proposed HR 1 was posted on-line for 3 days so the people could read it and know what the People's House is doing.

HR 1 was presented to the People's House for an open process public debate during the week of February 15th. The whole government budget was debated day and night all week. Hundreds of amendments that had been published in the Congressional Record (available on line) were brought up and debated. Some proposed amendments of both Democrats and Republicans were approved, and some were rejected. The whole process was open for the public to watch on C-SPAN.

Instead of the back room process of the Democratic 111th Congress, there was no "Louisiana Purchase," and no "Nebraska Compromise." There was NO earmarks or "pork" projects. For the first time ever there were individual Congressmen competing to cut the most funding out of the Government budget. Debate on amendments went on day and night all week. By the time they finished considering all amendments and adopted the Whole Year CR at 4:40 AM Saturday, February 19, they had cut over $100 billion from The Obama's budget proposal.

The Whole Year CR did not consider so called “entitlement” programs such as Medicare or Social Security. They did include defense and security spending, and made cuts in both.

All of the liberal/socialist whiners are screaming and crying because the People's House voted to cut several of their socialist giveaway programs. Several of The Obama's power grabs were specifically defunded. The People's House specifically prohibited spending on salaries for any government employee administering Obamacare, pushing Global Warming Cap and Tax, and several other socialist project. All the socialist Main Stream Media (MSM) propagandists have been threatening that the People's House budget will shut down the government because the Senate or The Obama will reject the authorized funds. Leftist spenders and those who live with their hand out to the government purse are in denial. They still are trying to convince each other that the TEA Party Republicans are not serious. They look back to 1995 when the Big 3 TV Networks controlled information for Americans and could control the people's knowledge of government. Those days are gone. Most young Americans now get most of our information from Internet sources. We know the truth. We are not fooled by lies spewing forth by the usual liberal wanks on CBS, CNN, or FOX.

The People's House has Constitutional authority and responsibility to originate and pass a spending authorization for the government based on the will of the People's Representatives. It will be offensive and dangerous for the Democratic Senate or The Obama to shut down the government by refusing to accept approved funding for the remainder of FY 2011. Screaming and crying liberals will try to blame Republicans for their failures, but the people know. We stayed up all night, all week, watching the People's House debate amendment after amendment and finally adopt funding for the government. Now we are watching the Senators. They had better vote to accept it or they better get to looking for another job. The People won't tolerate more of the same old business as usual from the old Washington liars.

Millions of TEA Party Americans all across the country are shouting, “SHUT IT DOWN!” They point out that shutting down the whole government for 4 years while still collecting taxes would eliminate the debt. Many TEA Party Americans want The Obama to be forced to buy his own gas for his limo. That's a little overly optimistic, but the spending cutters are not done. Right before the end of debate in the People's House, at 4:00 AM Saturday morning, some Congressmen proposed an amendment to make another deep cut across the board. House leadership got them to withdraw their proposed amendment, but they stand ready to demand even larger budget cuts if the Democratic Senate or The Obama refuse this budget.

Bob suggests that if The Obama vetoes the HR-1, the Whole Year CR, approved by the People's House, the People's House should just pass it again with an amendments to block any spending on pens at the White House.

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Bob to focus more on Current Political Events

Note to readers of The World According to Bob.

Bob intends to include more posts on current political events. Many will include insightful analysis of main stream media lies and fictions, as well as political agendas of conservative, liberal, socialist, communist, and libertarian leaders.

Note that Bob is a cyber libertarian. Bob's views strongly support individual freedom from current government control and subjugation.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pepsi Promotes Misandry and Violence on Superbowl Ads

Pepsi paid a million dollars per minute to promoted misandry and violence against men on Superbowl commercials. Superbowl ad prices were reported to be about $1,000,000 per minute. Pepsi Corporation used their advertising budget to promote violence against men including sexual violence against men.

Pepsi Max “Don't Hurt Me” commercial has a man hit and knocked down at about second 23.

Pepsi Mas, “Love Hurts” shows a violent bitch continually using Domestic Violence against a man. The “gag” is at the end when he ducks and her violent assault hits another female. The abused and beaten man drags her off before her violence gets her in trouble. The message is that hurting a female is a serious problem, but all her violence against the man is normal and acceptable female behavior.

Pepsi Max “Torpedo Cooler” shows men getting hit in the gonads first and then getting hit in the head and knocked down. .

Pepsi Max “First Date” ad promotes obscene sexist stereotypes about men by suggesting that all a man thinks about is “I want to sleep with her.” while the woman is thinking a wide range of thoughts.

Pepsi probably hires one of the ad agencies run by misandrist feminist bitches to produce their ads. According to research done by Glenn Sacks, it turns out that females have gravitated toward the advertising businesses. Perhaps that's because advertising does not deal with any real knowledge. Its all about "feelings." The lesbitches in advertising hate men and often include misandry in their produced ads. Corporations often assign the "affirmative action" female manager to a non-production area like advertising and public relations thinking they will not do as much harm there as they would if they fucked up their production or distribution. The corporate ad manager ends up being another misandrist lesbitch who thinks the misandrist commercials are a "good." use for corporate money. Or, maybe Pepsi just hates men.

I wrote the following comment to their "Contact Pepsi" web site

I was extremely offended by your promotion of violence against men including sexual violence against men in your Superbowl commercials. At a million dollars per minute to promote hate and violence surely the Pepsi company can find a better use for its funds.

I was shocked when the first Pepsi commercial included offensive misandry of violence against men. But then the next Pepsi commercial, and the next Pepsi commercial also included promotion of hate and violence against men. Shame, shame, shame on you. Hate and violence is wrong.

I have noticed that numerous other men are discussion Pepsi's hate campaign on numerous Internet comment and discussion sites.

In response to your hate and violence campaign against men, I have permanently discontinued purchase of any Pepsi product. May your suffer the violence you advocate for others.

I have noticed other MEN were offended enough to start posting comments about Pepsi's misandry and violence against men on such places as a political editorial about big corporations. The discussion about anti-men hate ads needs to be more focused. Pepsi needs to hear that their hate promotions are not acceptable, and not good for business.

PepsiCo owns some of the world's most popular brands, including Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi, Lay's, Doritos, Tropicana, Gatorade, and Quaker. Their Chaircow and Chief Executive Officer is a misandrist bitch by the name of Indra K. Nooyi. The good news is that corporations run by cows invariably lose money and eventually fade or are sold.

I suggest that MEN go to the Contact Pepsi web site and let them know how offensive their hate campaign is to men. Pass this information to other web sites and discussion forums. And stop buying Pepsi products. Contact Pepsi now

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