THE PILL for men!
During the entire 20th century all the funding on birth control was provided only for women. Men's health and reproductive needs was totally ignored by the sexist bigots in the medical industrial complex. Feminazi organizations like Planned Parenthood blocked pills for men. The first female birth control pill became widely available almost half a century ago in 1962 after research funding was provided by Planned Parenthood. In succeeding decades Planned Parenthood has received millions of dollars from the government for birth control research, but has blocked all research for men. Part of the reason for the total discrimination against men was because feminazi who control the medical industrial complex don't consider men to be real people. Feminism is, after all, the radical theory that only women are people.
The other huge reason that feminists have worked so hard to block birth control for men has been the feminazi demand for total control over our children and families. As long as only females have birth control pills, a woman is the only one who can decide not to have a baby, or to have our baby. She can lie to her husband or lover that she is taking pills, and then get pregnant without his permission. She can “forget” a couple of days, or stop entirely, and make a baby which she will keep and he will have to pay for, all without his permission or consent. Even the crude 19th century mechanical devices that men have tried to use are often rescued from waste bins and emptied of their contents as soon as his back is turned. Thousands, or perhaps millions of females have made a career out of finding a rich sucker, getting pregnant, and then slapping him with “child support” payments for the next 20 years.
For more than half a century the feminazi and their medical industrial complex have repeated their usual lies to excuse bigoted discrimination against men. They have claimed 1) That a pill for men would be too hard to develop, and 2) that men wouldn't take one if available. Both of these complete lies were based on nothing but their own sexist misandry. Despite being totally false, these were the standard lies of the birth control business for more than half a century. The real reasons were those stated above, females wanted total female domination of families and sex, and they didn't consider men to be important enough to merit any benefits or even concern.
But all that is changing. A decade or so ago some pharmaceutical company was doing research on a new drug intended to reduce heart attacks by promoting circulation. Quite by accident they discovered a very interesting side effect of increasing blood circulation in male sexual organs. Viagra was born. Viagra soon became a boom market, surpassing all their other products in total sales. A very clear lesson began to become apparent to pharmaceutical companies that had ignored men for a century. Men can be a very large market – SURPRISE! After Viagra, some pharmaceutical companies began looking around for other products to sell to men. Some government regulators and research funding administrators even noticed that men exist, a fact that had somehow slipped out of their vision.
Beginning early in the 21st century, with comparatively minuscule funding in Australia and the UK, some researchers started experimenting with possible approaches to a contraceptive pill for men. At first they mostly still believed the standard century old lies they had been taught in medical school, pills for men are too hard to invent. But a few researchers were willing to actually look at the old lies to see if they were true. With only a very small amount of research it became rapidly apparent that a pill for men might turn out to be easier to make than a pill for women. The old standard sexist lies are not only wrong, but backwards. Pills for men are easier to make, not harder. For half a century men have been prevented from access to effective birth control pills by bigotry and lies. For half a century men have had to support millions of unwanted children because of bigotry and lies. And millions of men are a very willing and ready market. The new pills for men will sell like Viagra, and wrest control of our children back from total female domination.
In the past month there have been news stories on two different new contraceptive products for men. One is a combination of testosterone and some other ingredient. CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta says a new birth control pill for men is as effective as the pill for women. Side effects from long term use of testosterone may lead to small increases of muscle mass. A lot of men would call that a side benefit. It is already available in several other countries and may be available in the USA within a couple of years. Read story
Another men's birth control pill is hormone free. The hormone free pill stops ejaculation of sperm. British scientists say it leads to “dry” sex. It may be taken just before a date, a few hours before sex. Read Story
This news is a radical change for men and every female we associate with. No longer will a female be able to unilaterally decide to get pregnant by seducing some schmuck and then live on his “child support” for 20 years. No longer can she “forget” her pill and get pregnant without his permission and agreement. No longer will she be able to use that old female lie “I'm pregnant so we have to get married.” Just as the first marketing of “THE PILL” began a whole new “sexual revolution” during the 1960s and following decades, a new PILL FOR MEN will bring revolutionary changes to the relationships between men and women. It will end a century of female domination of decisions on sex and children, and put men and women back on an equal footing.
The century of complete female domination of birth control is about to end. It will usher in a revolutionary change we can only guess at today.