Sheriff Association is Jane Crow
Once again the National Sheriffs Association has been lobbying Congress in support of renewal of VAWA, a huge cash cow which funds $$billions of their budget. They have sold out to the radical femorrhoid army. They support any Jane Crow legislation that pays them regardless of the evil it requires them to do. They are quislings who give aide and comfort to the enemies of men and families, and actively destroy men and children for money. They are disgusting filth who make decent men want to puke.
Bob and some other men have been corresponding with Snohomish County Sheriff Rick Bart, secretary of the National Sheriffs Association. It is a Constitutional right and the duty of concerned Americans to petition all branches of our government that are working against the interests of the people. Sheriff Bart and his evil gun thugs work against men, against families, against children, and even against the women they pretend to be helping.
In reply to another MAN's correspondence, Sheriff Bard replied as follows:
"I would like to express my disgust with anyone who doesn’t do their homework before sending such an e-mail. I am the chairman of the National Sheriff’s Domestic Violence Committee and we don’t play favorites when it comes to violence! You are not winning any friends with your e-mails."
" The VAWA is the most sexist violent misandrist piece of pork barrel legislation ever passed. It's Jane Crow bigotry from beginning to end. Your continued support of Jane Crow hate laws and willingness to support any level of anti-men hate that will gain funding for your evil crew makes me and many decent people want to puke.
Shame, shame, shame on you and the rest of the evil misandrist bigots of the National Sheriffs Association."
" Your messge is not a good example for your group. Again I say the nsa supports all victims of violence. Please stop sending me further hate filled messages.
Rick Bart
Snohomish County Sheriff."
Now it's time for MEN of every kind to write to Sheriff Bart as Secretary of the National Sheriffs Association, and chairman of their committee to support renewal of the Jane Crow hate law called VAWA. Its time for MEN who value families and fairness to let scumbag gun thugs like Sheriff Bart know just how disgusting his anti-family, anti-children, anti-men hate mongering is to decent men. Sheriff Rick Bart, Secretary of NSA
Please send Bart (where have we heard that name before?) a quick note to let him know how much MEN oppose Jane Crow hate laws that he feeds from, and how despicable he is for earning his living destroying our families and the lives of men. Take 5 minutes and write now.
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